Latest Blogs

Sungate/Glennwoods/Heatherwood Community Garage Sale 2024!
2024 Annual Community Garage Sale! Dates: June 22-23rd Times: 8AM til 6PM Where: Sungate/Glennwoods/Heatherwood Communities We welcome everyone in our community to join in on our annual garage sale event. Sungate community, Glennwoods community, and Heatherwood...

Sungate Block Party!
Mark Your Calendars! SungateHOA is throwing a block party! Date: July 20th Times: 5PM - 10PM Where: Moon Ct, Sungate We welcome everyone in our community to join us for the Sungate Black Party happening on Saturday, June 8th. This is the first weekend after school is...

What is happening with Solar Panels and HOA Covenants?
It has come to our attention that there are salespersons going door to door selling solar panels. They are stating that there is a new Indiana law overruling our covenant. As it stands, solar panels are not permitted in Sungate. The salespersons are incorrect about...
Our Community

Upcoming Events
Wild Animals: We have been getting reports of Bobcats and Coyotes in the area. Watch out for them as you let your dogs outside and take them for walks.
Car Theft: Keep your vehicle doors locked, especially at night. We have heard reports of individuals attempting to open vehicle doors to steal contents inside.